CFX (2010) Discontinued
With the CFX, Yamaha now moves to the center of the stage.
The CF Series features three models that will delight and possibly even surprise you with their power, tonal richness, dynamic range and colour. And at the same time the keyboard and its action are a absolute pleasure to use offering impeccable control that encourages the performer to reach new levels of musical expression. These handcrafted instruments are backed by over a hundred years of high calibre concert piano production, with extensive research analyzing what makes a truly great piano. Yamaha experts have spent many many hours together with top world-class performers testing, evaluating and evolving the pianos into the instruments they are today--pianos that are capable of gracing any stage in the world.
Designed with the concept of “Beauty and Power”
Handcrafted from the same materials by the same elite artisans, all three models of the CF Series share a beautiful expressiveness and deep tonal presence. The flagship model is the CFX; a full sized 9-foot (275cm) concert grand piano suitable for the largest of concert halls. Retaining the same outstanding characteristics as the CFX, the 7-foot (212cm) CF6 is a perfect choice for recital halls, while the 6-foot 3-inch (191cm) CF4 is excellent for performing at smaller venues and teaching studios.
Beauty & Power
The concept behind the series is “Beauty and Power.” Beauty for its wide range of tonal colors and the ability to create the most subtle musical voices. In the hands of a good pianist, the CF Series pianos can “sing” with an expressiveness rarely heard. Power describes the incredible tonal presence. Not only when played fortissimo, but even soft delicate passages carry throughout the hall. The bass is amazing, and all registers can project over a full symphony orchestra regardless of a venue’s size.

Piano Casing
Ribs and Soundboard
Metal Frame
Piano Wire
Pedal Lyre
Lid Finish
Product Information
CFX (2010) Discontinued
The nine-foot CFX is a full size concert grand piano characterized by a powerful bass, a wide palette of tonal colors, and the ability to create the subtlest musical expression. The sound is rich yet clear in all registers, and can be heard over the sound of a symphony orchestra, even in very large concert halls.
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The colours and finishes shown may vary from those on the actual products.