The Wang family’s impression of the Singapore Junior Original Concert (SJOC)

The 3 kids from the Wang family attend music lessons at Yamaha Music School Frontier Branch. This was their first time attending SJOC, and we had a brief interview with Mrs. Wang.

Q1. Mrs. Wang, I believe this was your first time at SJOC. What is your impression of the concert?
A: It was an eye opener for me as this is the 1st time I have attended a concert where all the performers are playing their own compositions.
Q2. Was there any composition that you or your kids particularly liked?
A: My husband and myself were impressed by the compositions in the rock genre.
Q3. Your 3 kids are all in Yamaha Junior Course. Could you share how the course has benefited your children?
A: The kids like their Yamaha music lessons and enjoy performing at the end of the semester. I am satisfied with the course as they get exposure to music and are developing their listening skills.