Letter of Commendation from Student’s Parent – Thurston Lau
Thurston Lau
We received a Letter of Commendation from our parent complimenting our teacher, Jane Leong. Here is what it says.
"We would like to commend Ms. Leong for her guidance and diligent effort that she has put into grooming Thurston Lau. Her commitment and patience have helped him gain a place in the Music Elective Programme in secondary school. Her coaching and preparing him for the various Yamaha performances through these years, dedication in teaching, and providing him with useful information for preparation of the Music Elective Programme, even though it is not part of the Yamaha curriculum are exemplary. Her words of encouragement and challenging him out of his normal curriculum have helped inspire him in his music journey.
We are sure many more children will gain from her guidance. Once again, thank you for her hard work and dedication."