Testimonial from student’s parents - Anya Soon

Anya Soon
This is 8 year-old Anya Soon, Junior Ensemble Course student from Plaza Singapura.
Mum shared her story with us:
The start of Anya’s musical journey was not a smooth one. Being the slower learner in class, she almost lost interest! Fortunately, the learning environment was consistently conducive and engaging, and teacher Ms Daphne Teo was always caring and patient. Anya had fun with her classmates.
In Yamaha, Anya is taught to play on the keyboard, sing solfege, listen for harmonies and hear and reproduce melodies. We are pretty fascinated that she can improvise and make simple compositions on her own!
We are happy to see Anya making steady progress, and thoroughly enjoying the process. We are confident this exposure to creativity and appreciation of music will last a lifetime.